
CMS meets Smarty

CMS now has a working Smarty template engine integrated. It is already tested and works well. Smarty settings (mostly caching) are automatically set and programmers do not have to care about them. They do not have to think about template addresses as well. In short, programmer only needs to know a few basic functions to work with templates.

Comming-soon tasks:

  • Custom Smarty CMS functions
  • MySQL connection class


CMS progress and forecast

After a little break (I have been abroad), I am speeding up my CMS development process. I have rewritten all the code comments to fit the requirements of phpDocumentator. At the moment help text is available for all the code written ( without exceptions ).

CMS is expected to become fully operational till the 1st of September. There is still lots of work to be done, but as I am planning to spend 8 hours per day for its development, I have enough reasons to believe that it is absolutely possible to finish CMS on time.

My current tasks are:

  • Finish class dependency detection code ( CMS includes only classes it realy needs )
  • Change the layout of files
  • Modify database to fit the latest ideas
  • Test the system