
Switch back to CMS project

OS presentation was successful. It was said that this OS is an "object oriented operating system that supports event mechanism' (is based on it to be precise). At the moment I have already a working Scheduler, Service Controller and Keyboard driver that supports nearly every key that has ever appeared on standart keyboard in history... My next tasks with OS would be optimising the Scheduler, testing, optimising and updating Service Controller and, of course, I will have to work with other OS components then.

Anyway, I am freezing this project for a while as there is another project waiting to be done and at this point is appears to be more important to me. That is CMS.

So, to sum up, I am switching to CMS project right now. This does not mean that OS project will die here. It will just have to wait for the right time to be continued (finished?).


Albertas said...

Congratulations on you presentation!

DisLike said...

Thanx ;)